“I ain’t LDS, and I ain’t gonna be LDS:”  Famous last words

This experience relates to three principles:  setting goals and deadlines to your work, creating conversations about the gospel, specifically what they're interested in isn't what we're interested in, and finally sharing the Gospel at work.While I was on my mission  Elder Ballard suggested setting a date once a quarter, so that's what I've been doing. I live in Provo, Utah and go to BYU—so the ...

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Everyone wants to be needed

I have an experience about how people are willing to serve.Recently we held our semiannual BBQ at the seminary at which I work. It is a huge event at which we serve nearly 3000 people in two hours. We were very shorthanded with volunteers this year to serve up the thousands of cups on lemonade.One of the students from the high school, who I could tell was not one of our seminary students, came up ...

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We asked questions with the Spirit

Hello, and thanks a ton for this inspiring website.My name is Joaquin, a convert from Spain currently living in USA.The other day I was invited by the missionaries to assist them in teaching a discussion to a group of three potential investigators (teachers from Ecuador). These wonderful ladies had concerns about accepting modern prophets and the apostasy. As we met, I felt impressed to ask them t ...

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He lives, and I shall conquer death!

Afn elderly friend, Rosemary, called me on the phone crying and asked that I come down to the hospital. Her husband, Bob, had been fighting cancer and wasn’t going to make it through the night.Upon arriving, I noticed the feeling in the room was so different than the beautiful experience I had when my own grandpa died of cancer. Grandpa lived a wonderful life, and even in his last hours on the e ...

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