“You’re never lost in the Mormon Church.”

Hi, my name is Charles, and I am a Mormon.

I was baptized by my father when I was eight years old, forty four years ago.

I have always been active in church. I served a mission in South America. I went to all four years of Seminary. I served in a bishopric and have been in and served on a stake high council. I have just been called to serve as Book of Mormon teacher (the best calling!).

I don’t know what my life would be like without the gospel of Jesus Christ. Not that life is or has been easy — I have had my share of trials in my life. And just because I’m a member of the true church doesn’t mean I am protected from problems!

But I know with all my heart that my Heavenly Father and my Savior love me and will never leave me. I know and have a testimony of the Priesthood, it’s real, and that fasting really dose work. I know that the Lord listens and answers our prayers and wants us to be happy. I asked my mission president what the key to life was, he said the key to life is just to be happy.

I want to share an experience that I had when I was little. I was five or six years old, and I went to my uncle’s ward because he was having my little cousin blessed.

After church was over, I went all around the church building looking for my parents. I became disoriented and knew that I was lost. I remember crying as I looked for my parents. In a short while, a kind old man got on his knees and asked me, “What’s was wrong?”

I said, “I’m lost and can’t find my mom and dad.”

I’ll never forget: he said, “You’re never lost in The Mormon Church.”

It’s so true!

My desire is that all of us as members remember that we are all missionaries and that it’s our opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with all the world.

I want people to know that being a member of this great Church means you’re never lost or alone; that when you’re baptized, you’re given the Gift Of The Holy Ghost, and He becomes your friend and companion for life; that through the priesthood and our Savior Jesus Christ, we are given this wonderful gift that is ours to keep as long as we live worthy of the Spirit’s presence.

I am grateful for my children and for my wife. I am grateful that I still have my 88-year-old mother and that she raised me in the Church of God.

I love the Church and its teachings. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints makes life so much better, and I am forever grateful for the blessing of being a member.

Live Life, Live Happy, Be A Mormon!!!


September 12, 2013 Uncategorized