Three cardiac arrests and a heart transplant

I recently was inspired by Clayton M. Christensen’s book, The Power of Everyday Missionaries.

To relate my humble experience of helping others, I have shared two truths over 150 times the past five months with people of all sizes, shapes, educational backgrounds, colors and beliefs. They are:

  1. We are all born.
  2. We all will die.

No one has disagreed with me so far, so I have shared my experience, which is also published on

I had a heart transplant June 11, 2006. But leading up to the transplant, I went into cardiac arrest three times and had brief visits in the next world.

Want to read what I experienced? Read about it on my page.

Heavenly Father is far more forgiving, patient, kind and understanding for people of all beliefs, races and backgrounds than our finite minds and human hearts can conceive.

For us to feel His love depends on our efforts to follow the example Jesus Christ set while on this earth, and to do that the best we can, strengthened by His grace.

Read about one man’s journey into the world of spirits on my profile. Thank you. Contact me if you have any questions at apositivegent [at] gmail [dot] com.

-Robert Gent. Denver, Colorado

July 4, 2013 Uncategorized