
Everyday Missionaries simply offers a witness that being a member missionary can be a source of deep happiness. Sharing the gospel need not be hard. The principles you’ll find here were discovered by people who never considered themselves “natural missionaries” with innate gifts that make sharing the gospel easy. Rather, they set aside the thoughts and ways of man and worked hard to understand what God told Isaiah: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways” (Isaiah 55:8-9).

Here you’ll find stories of people who now share the gospel in ways that are natural and energizing to them. We hope you’ll see sharing the gospel isn’t a “gift” given to a chosen few, but a joy all of us can learn when we mirror the mind and the ways of God. As you seek to understand the thoughts and ways of God, we hope these principles will help you, too, and that you’ll use them in your life and share what you discover.