Set Goals & Deadlines

Almost everything in life has deadlines: gas bills, phone bills, taxes, college applications, food expirations and so on. We create deadlines because without them most of us would never get around to finishing what we start.

Member missionary efforts have never imposed deadlines. As a result, most of us are not engaged in finding people for full-time missionaries to teach. Most of us want to be good missionaries—and we intend to start next week.

When we set deadlines, two things happen. First, we take seriously our commitment to find someone for full-time missionaries to teach. We look again at situations that seemed void of opportunity and now see how to act and what to say to invite others to study with full-time missionaries. And second, as the date approaches, we become more and more desperate. In our desperation, we are humbled. And when we’re humble, the Lord can trust us. When we’re desperate and humble, the Lord knows we’ll invite anybody He puts into our path. And because we can’t predict, anybody could be a person who says “Yes.”

Whenever we feel resistance in setting a deadline or a goal, we remember that in the equation that determines whether we find people for the missionaries to teach, God’s role is a constant, not a variable. He always keeps His promises. The only variable is whether we have the faith that we will be blessed with miracles if we make commitments to God and then do what we said we would do.

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